Bonsai Genie - Software for Bonsai Enthusiasts
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Chapter 1

Essentials Section: Chapter 1  -  Chapter 2  -  Chapter 3  -  Chapter 4  -  Chapter 5
Advanced Section : Session 1 - Session 2

Plants and Specimens
In Bonsai Genie, all plants must be considered as specimens (or Accessions)
A plant e.g. Acer campestre can have one or many specimens.
Specimen 1 Bought in 2001
Specimen 2 Bought in 1994


Gardeners and Garden Areas
Each Bonsai specimen has an Owner and a Location where it is normally displayed.
In Bonsai Genie terminology, the Owner is a Gardener, and Locations are Garden Areas
You can set up

  • One or many Gardeners (Owners)
  • One or many Garden Areas (Locations) for each Gardener


Start by using the program Plants and Gardens - GA027
You can add Plants,Specimens, Gardeners and Garden Areas with a number of programs in Bonsai Genie.
The program Plants and Gardens - GA027 is recommended for use by Bonsai enthusiasts


Adding a new Gardener, Garden Dividers and Garden Areas

  • Start the program Plants and Gardens - GA027
    Screen GA027S01 appears
  • Click the Gardens button (its a long button in the upper right of the screen)
  • Click on the WW button (to the Right of the Gardener pop-up)
    ww= Work With. It appears in many screens.
    Screen GA100S10 appears
  • Click the New button
    Screen GA100S11 appears
  • Type your First name, Surname and other details
  • Check the Main Garden check box
  • Click the Add button
    Screen GA100S10 reappears
    If necessary, use the Gardener pop-up to display the New Gardener name.

    Adding a Garden Area
  • In screen GA100S10, click the Add a Garden Area button
    In Bonsai Genie, a Garden Area is a Location
    Screen GA100S21 appears
  • Enter a Description in the Garden Area field (e.g. Outdoor Collection)
  • Enter an Abbreviated description in the appropriate field (e.g. Outdoor)
  • Type up some notes about the Garden Area in the text box (optional)
  • Click the Add button

    Adding more Garden Areas
  • Repeat the above steps for all your Garden Areas.

    Garden Dividers (optional)
  • In GA100S10, click the Add a Garden Divider button
    Screen GA100S13 appears
  • Type in a name for your Garden Divider (e.g. Front)
  • Type up some text in the Notes about this Garden Divider text box (optional)
  • Click the Add button
    Screen GA100S10 re-appears

    Shuffling Garden Areas and Garden Dividers
  • Click the Nudge buttons to move Garden Areas and Garden Dividers into your preferrred sequential order
  • Arrange your Garden areas within the Garden Dividers
  • Later, you will add specimens to Garden Areas
  • You DONT add specimens to Garden Dividers


Adding a Plant to your database

  • Start the program Plants and Gardens - GA027
    Screen GA027S01 appears
  • Click the Add a Plant button
    Screen GA100S40 appears
  • Type the name of the plant in the Plant name field
  • Notice how the elements of the name are reproduced in the fields on the right of the screen as you type
  • Type in a Common name (Optional) and Colour (optional)
  • Click the Add button at the bottom of the screen
  • More fields appear
  • Fill in the fields with available information.
    Tip: You can click the Google button to do an on-line seach on the plant, copy and paste data or Web Addresses, and paste it into the Plant Data field. Use the Surf board to store data if necessary (to save blocks of text, URLs of web pages and Images). With the captured data, fill in as many data fields as possible about the plant.
    Later, you will be able to hyperlink to web pages and web photos by clicking the URL’s you enter in the text box.
  • Click the Save Changes button
    The initial screen appears (GA027S01)
    Your new plant appears in the list


Creating a Specimen Profile for a Bonsai plant

  • Start the program Plants and Gardens - GA027
    Screen GA027S01 appears
  • Click on the name of a plant in the list to select a plant
    Use the A-Z buttons to find plants in your database
  • Click the Plant Specimens button
    Screen GA027S03 appears
    This will eventually display a list of specimens of the selected plant
    First you have to create them!
  • Click the Add button at the bottom of the screen
  • Screen GA100S23 appears
    This screen is what is known as a Page Frame.
    The array of buttons on the right allow you to display the pages in the Frame Set
    When you click a button, another page relating to the specimen is displayed, and the Caption (text) on the button is highlighted to indicate which page of the Page Frame is in focus.
    Currently the setting is Plant Profile.
  • Make sure the Plant Profile page is in focus
  • Fill in as much information as possible about your specimen
  • For Bonsai Work,leave the Batch Reference field blank
    If you are curious, drag the Green Help icon over the Batch Reference field and read the Help for that field.
  • Click the Get button associated with the Gardener and Garden Area fields
  • Note how the Location page is automatically selected
  • Pick a Gardener and Garden Area by using the Pop-up and list of Garden Areas
    Note the ww button again! You can click this button to add a new Gardener or Garden Area if you wish.
  • Click the Select button at the bottom of the page
  • The Specimen Profile page regains focus
    Note that the Gardener and Garden Area fields are filled with your selection
  • Now click the Get button associated with the Source field
  • Note how the Supplier page is automatically selected
  • If you acquired the Specimen from a Gardener, click the Gardener button (immediately above the list)
    Click the Add a Gardener button at the bottom of the page if you need to add a add a new Gardener profile
  • If you acquired the Specimen from a Supplier, click the Supplier button.
    Click the Add a Supplier button at the bottom of the page if you need to add a add a new Supplier profile
  • Click the Select button at the bottom of the page
  • The Specimen Profile page regains focus
    Note that the Source field is filled with your selection
  • When all data has been keyed,click the Add button
    Screen GA027S03 reappears
  • Your new specimen now appears in the list in screen GA027S03
  • Click the Done button
  • The initial screen (GA027S01) of this program reappears.

    Repeat the process for additional specimens


End of Chapter 1    

Essentials Section: Chapter 1  -  Chapter 2  -  Chapter 3  -  Chapter 4  -  Chapter 5
Advanced Section : Session 1 - Session 2

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