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Advanced Section - Session 1

Essentials Section: User Guide Index  -  Chapter 1  - Chapter 2  -  Chapter 3  -  Chapter 4  -  Chapter 5
Advanced Section : Session 1  -  Session 2

Creating a website using Bonsai Genie
To introduce this feature, I will describe three of the many applications.

Application 1
On the internet you’ll find many inconsistencies when you compare articles, particularly in our world of plants.
Problem is, the information can all be entirely valid. A plant will be perfectly reliable to grow in CountryWarm, but die over winter CountryCold, and vice versa. A plant may flower prolifically in CountryWarmandSunny but be a very poor performer in CountryWetandCloudy .It depends where the writer lives, and what their experiences have been.

How do you deal with such diverse information, about one and the same plant?

Reviews are the answer. Instead of putting someone elses information into your plant data record, you can save the information away in another data field, and tag it to the name of the person who did the writeup, or to a website, or to a magazine article.

Application 2
A Garden Writer, is tasked with compiling a Top 100 list of plants for a magazine article.
In this application, the writer can add the 100 plants to a list, then use the Bonsai Genie Google buttons to surf the net for information on each of the plants. The information can be saved in a special data region as a Review.

Application 3
As a spin off, this Reviews program has a unique application. It can be used to prepare the information required to create a Plants List web site.

In this chapter I will describe the steps for Application 3
The process is the same for the other applications

Creating a Review of a list of plants

  1. Start the Program Reviews - GA032
    Verifiy that its that latest version. (Ver 39 or later)
  2. The initial screen GA02S01 appears
    There are four tabs (long buttons) near the top of the screen
    a) Plants
    b) Add selected plant to Review
    c) Gardens
    d) Reviews
    Each time you click a tab, you are in a different mode. The data fields and buttons change.
    Click the Reviews tab
  3. There are 3 check boxes (upper right)
    a) Gardeners
    b) Suppliers
    c) Others

    Check the Gardeners check box
  4. There are 3 ww buttons, one for each of the 3 check boxes above
    Click the ww button to the RIGHT of the Gardeners check box
    Screen GA100S37 appears
  5. In screen GA0100S37
    Check the setting of the Gardeners pop-up and reset it if required

    ASIDE: If its not the Gardener (Your name) you use most frequently then select from the pop-up, and click the Edit button Screen GA100S11 appears Check the  checkbox with the caption Main Garden
    Click Change
    That setting will appear as default in all programs. You can reset it as often as you like.
  6. Back to the flow:
    In Screen GA100S37, Click the Add New Review button
    Screen GA100S38 appears
  7. In Screen GA100S38
    Enter a name in the Title for this review field
    Then click the Add Review button
    Screen GA100S37 re-appears
  8. In screen GA100S37
    Your Review will appear in the list
    Click the Done button
    The initial screen (GA032S01) reappears
  9. In screen GA032S01
    In Reviews mode, make sure the Reviewer and Review Name is selected
  10. In Screen GA032S01
    Click the Plants tab
    Use the Search buttons to locate a plant
    Select a plant
    Click the Add to review button

  11. In Screen GA032S01
    Click the Gardens tab
    Use the pop-ups to select a Gardener and a Garden Area
    Select a plant from the list of plants in a garden area
    Click the Add to review button
  12. Click the Reviews tab
    The plants you added to the review will appear in the list
  13. In Reviews mode, click on a plant in the list
    Enter some text in the Gardeners review of this plant field
  14. Repeat either steps 10 or 11 to build up a list of plants in your review

    The following steps are not required if you are creating a web site from this review.
  15. Click the + button to the right of the URL field
    Screen GA100S54 appears
    This is a common screen (used many times in the system, by a number of programs)
    It allows you to enter unlimited text.
  16. In screen GA100S54, enter the URL to a web page associated with the selected plant.
    Heres a sample URL for the exercise:
    Click OK button
    Screen GA032S01 re-appears
  17. In screen GA032S01
    Click the + button to the right of the Pic URL field
    Screen GA100S54 appears
    This is a common screen (used many times in the system, by a number of programs)
    It allows you to enter unlimited text.
  18. In screen GA100S54, enter the URL to a web page associated with the selected plant.
    Heres a sample URL for the exercise:
    Note that this is the image on the web page linked in Step 16
    Click OK button
    Screen GA032S01 re-appears

  19. Try this to test the effect of your review
    In screen GA032S01, in Reviews mode
    Double click on a plant in the list (make sure it has some text in the Gardeners review of this plant field)
    The plant profile screen, GA100S36, appears
  20. In screen GA100S36
    Click the Reviews tab
    Your review information is displayed

    Whats so good about that?
    GA100S36 ia a common screen, common to all programs in the Bonsai Genie system
    No matter which program you use to select that plant and navigate to GA100S36 (the Plant Profile screen), that review information will be available, as will other reviews you may do on that same plant.




Features in the screens of the Reviews program
tIn Reviews mode, after you have added one plant to your review, a WEB button becomes visible
Session 2 (see link below) explains how to work with that feature (building a web site)

Essentials Section: User Guide Index  -  Chapter 1  - Chapter 2  -  Chapter 3  -  Chapter 4  -  Chapter 5
Advanced Section : Session 1  -  Session 2

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