Bonsai Genie - Software for Bonsai Enthusiasts
by Ideas for

This website last updated: 20th July 2024

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User Web Sites


Bonsai Genie has a unique feature.
You can use the software to create a web site!

I dont need to do that

Yes, thats the usual comment from new customers .

Once they’ve seen what other users are doing, that soon changes.
Without doubt, its the most talked about feature on our user forum and since there’s lots of encouragement and help if needed, no-one has failed yet!.

Once you’ve added your plants to your database, and linked them to photos on disc, then you can publish a web site to share your good work with your friends.
Whats more, we offer free web space to customers.

You dont need any knowledge of web design.
The process is all set out for you, with Step by Step instructions.
All you do is fill in information about your plants and photos, using normal Bonsai Genie screens.
Have a look at the two web projects done by Mike Smith.
Project No 1:
FoBBS Bonsai Display at the Chelsea Flower Show 2008

Project No 2:
Bonsai Projects

I met Mike at the Federation of British Bonsai Societies (FoBBS) stand at Chelsea Flower Show (London, England) in May 2008, and told him about Bonsai Genie.

We exchanged a number of emails discussing the application of Bonsai Genie.

I’m delighted to say that Mike then offered to advise on more specific Bonsai User requirements.

As a starting point, I published the User Guide for him to follow and get a complete understanding of what the top of the range software already does.
He’s good with software and raced through the exercises quickly and produced the web sites linked above,

Our joint project is to come up with a simple system for Bonsai Enthusiasts.

Bonsai Genie will continue to be the ultimate product and will be all inclusive.
If you are good with software, go ahead and give Bonsai Genie a go!
It would be a pleasure to see what you produce with the software!
You will be able to do all the user guide sessions with the Evaluation Copy.

Incidentally, you may enjoy the web sites produced by our Ideas Genie Pro users.

The Web Page Generator in Ideas Genie Pro is exactly the same program as you’ll get in Bonsai Genie.

We hope this gives you the confidence to     BUY NOW

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