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Chapter 4

Essentials Section: Chapter 1  - Chapter 2  -  Chapter 3 -  Chapter 4  -  Chapter 5
Advanced Section : Session 1  -  Session 2

Adding a Specimen event
This lesson explains how to add an event in the life of a Plant Specimen.
When you choose to do a re-potting event,  the program reveals additional options which allow you to select a Pot for your plant.

1) Using GA011, described in Chapter 3, a Care and Event Classification must be configured with Trigger Pot History checked.
In English this record is usually:
Re-pot (Todo description) and Re-potted (Done description)
In this tutorial, this event will be referred to as Re-potted and will be selected from a pop-up
2) Using GA028 - a) Pot to be used in this tutorial has been added to your database and b) Pot has been linked to a photo (any photo will do for the tutorial)

  1. Start the program Specimens GA029
  2. In the initial screen GA029S01
    Use the pop-ups to select a Gardener and a Garden Area
    (Select a Gardener and a Garden Area which has at least one specimen added (see Chapter 1
  3. Note that there are six tabs under two headings which offer alternative methods to display and select plants and specimens in your database.
    Under the heading Specimens in this Garden click the tab This Garden Area
    The list of specimens for that selection appears
  4. Click in the list to select a specimen
    Click the Specimen Events button
    The Specimen Profile screen GA100S23 appears
  5. In screen GA100S23
    Click the Add an Event button
    Screen GA100S26 appears
  6. In screen GA100S26
    Select an Event from the Events pop-up
    For purposes of this part of the exercise, do NOT select Re-potted
    Note that the events listed in this pop-up were added using GA011 (See Chapter 1)

    Select a date for the event using the Calendar control
    Note that each time you click a date in the calendar, the date appears in the Event date field

    Enter any additional information in the details notes in the Notes about this Event field
  7. Click the Add button
    Screen GA100S23 re-appears
  8. In screen GA100S23
    Your new event is listed in the Summary of Events for this Specimen list
    Note the (M) appended to the event details
    (M) indicates that the event was added Manually
    Events added automatically when you finish a task (see Chapter 5) will be appended with (A)


Editing a Specimen event
Continuing on from the Specimen Profiles screen (GA100S23) above

  1. In screen GA100S23
    Double click on an event in the Summary of Events for this Specimen list
    Screen GA100S26 appears
  2. In screen GA100S26
    Edit your details as required
  3. Click the Save Changes button
    Screen GA100S23 re-appears
  4. In screen GA100S23
    The changes you made to the event are shown


Adding a Re-potted Specimen event
Continuing on from the Specimen Profiles screen (GA100S23) above

  1. In screen GA100S23
    Click the Add an Event button
    Screen GA100S26 appears
  2. In screen GA100S26
    Select the Re-potted Event from the Events pop-up
    Note that the events listed in this pop-up were added using GA011 (See Chapter 1)
    Note that additional fields appear

    Click on the Into this Pot pop-up
    Select a Pot from the list
    If the pot has a photo, it will be displayed
    - Alternatively -
    Click the FREE button
    Screen GA100S45 appears
    A list of Free (unused) pots are listed.
    Select a pot from the list
    Screen GA100S26 re-appears and a photo of the pot selected appears (if exists)
  3. Play with the Calendar control
    Note that each time you click a date, the date appears in the Event date field AND in the IN Date field
  4. Optionally - you can enter a date in the OUT Date field
    Do this if you are adding historic data for a pot.

    More about the OUT date field
    This field is to record the date a specimen was removed from a pot.
    Normally, the OUT field is left empty when you add a re-potted event
    (Click the X button to clear the OUT date field)
    Bonsai Genie keeps track of the Date IN and the Date OUT for any specimens which use a pot,
  5. Enter any additional information in the details notes in the Notes about this Event field
    Screen GA100S23 re-appears
    Your new event is listed in the Summary of Events for this Specimen list


Features in the screen used to add and edit Events (GA100S26)

  • There are two Show buttons
    When you click the first Show button, screen GA100S43 appears.
    This screen shows Usage details for the pot selected in the To this pot pop-up in screen GA100S26

    When you click the second Show button, screen GA100S44 appears.
    This screen shows the Pot History for the specimen selected
  • Details of the Previous pot Used, with IN and OUT dates are shown for the specimen in edit
  • You can add Historic data at any time, even if a pot has history defined
  • Bonsai Genie will show a message if the date you enter overlaps with dates already entered (in other Re-potted events) provided the pot is “unoccupied”.
  • You can have more than one specimen in a pot at any one time. You will be warned when you attempt to add a second specimen, but you have the option to continue and add.
  • When a specimen is recorded as IN Pot A and you create an event to Re-pot the same specimen in Pot B, the IN date (the event date) will be automatically recorded for you in the OUT date for Pot A.

Essentials Section: Chapter 1  - Chapter 2  -  Chapter 3 -  Chapter 4  -  Chapter 5
Advanced Section : Session 1  -  Session 2

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