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Chapter 5

Essentials Section: User Guide IndexChapter 1  - Chapter 2  -  Chapter 3Chapter 4  -  Chapter 5
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Adding a Plant Related Task in Bonsai Genie
This lesson explains how to add a Task for a Bonsai Specimen
1) Using GA011 - described in Chapter 3, a Care and Event Classification with Todo= Prune
2) Using GA027 -a)Two plants added to your database b)Specimen records for ach of the plants

References Tutorials GA047 (84), (85) and (86)

  1. Start the program Tasks - GA047
  2. In the initial screen GA047S01
    Note that there are three buttons to initiate creation of tasks
    a) Generate Care Tasks (Top right of screen)
    b) Add General (bottom of screen)
    c) Add a Task (Inside the Plant related task box)
    Click the Add a Task button (c) above
    Screen GA047S09 appears
  3. In Screen GA047S09
    A list of Care Classifications appear (these Care classification are set up using Program GA011 - See Chapter 3)
    In the list, double click on Prune
    Screen GA047S03 appears
  4. In screen GA047S03
    a) Use the DO Month pop-up to select a Month for your task
    b) Key a year for your task (or use the left and right arrow buttons)
    c) Enter a description in the Task Title field
    d) The check box options are Exclude Specimens or Include Specimens.
    Check Include Specimens
    Tip: Drag the Help icon over these fields and read about which Task Types
    e) Enter any relevant notes, remarks or instructions in the Task Notes field
    then click the Add button
    Screen GA047S01 (the initial screeen) re-appears
  5. In Screen GA047S01
    Your Task has been created and should show up in the Tasks for this Garden list on the left.
    (You may need to use the Year arrows and/or the  month controls to align the output to the year and month you defined for your task)


Refining your new Task

  1. In screen GA047S01
    a) In the Tasks list, click once to select the task you created above
    b) Click on the Edit Task button
    Screen GA047S03 appears
    Note: Its the same screen as you used to add the task in the above exercise, but now it has extra fields.
  2. In screen GA047S03
    Click on the Edit Dates and Date Notes button
    Screen GA047S04 appears
  3. In screen GA047S04 
    Click on a date in the Calendar control 
    Note how the date you picked has moved into the NEW Task Date field
    Now enter a value in the Alert Days field.

    Tip: Learn about Alert Days by dragging the Help icon over this field.

    Now enter some notes for this task for this date in the Date Notes field
    Note that date notes are RED when you are  adding a NEW task date and Date notes.
    (Date notes are blue if you should return to this screen to edit this Task Date record)
    Now click the Save button below (its an arrow pointing right)
    Note that
    a) the Date notes have moved into the Date Related Notes field (lower right)  and
    b) The task date has moved into the Task Do Dates list
  4. Repeat from Step 3 if your task is spread over a number of dates.
    When all dates are entered, click the Done button.
    A message will appear asking you review the status in the next screen
    Screen GA047S07 will appear
  5. In screen GA047S07 
    You are now in the Task Status screen. 
    The program needs to go here every time you make a change to Task Dates and or add plants to the task
    Review the status and then click the Done button
    Screen GA047S03 re-appears
  6. In screen GA047S03 
    You are now back in the Task Edit screen (where you set up the details about your Task).
    You are now ready to select Plants for this task.
    Click on the Add Plants to this Task button
    Screen GA047S08 appears
  7. In screen GA047S08
    Drag the Help icon around the screen and release when the cursor changes to a bullseye.
    Extensive help is available.

    a) Use the pop-up to select the desired Garden Area
    b) Under the List of Plants in Selected Garden Area heading, click to select a Plant to be added to the task
    c) Click the Add to Task button
    Note that the Included status for the plant now shows as Yes
  8. Repeat step 7 to add more plants to the task (if required)
    Click the Done button
    Note: If you double click on a plant, the plant will be added to the task and the window will close with the same effect as clicking the Done button
    Once again the message will appear asking you to review the status in the next screen
    Screen GA047S07 appears
  9. In screen GA047S07
    Drag the Help icon around the screen and release when the cursor changes to a bullseye.
    Extensive help is available.
    The program organises the status elements every time you edit Task Dates and/or add or remove plants from the task.

    Note that
    Since we opted to Include Specimens (in an earlier step) note that specimen details are shown for our plants in this screen

    Review the status
    By default, ALL specimens for a plant are added to the task.
    Select, then use the Dont Do button to exclude a specimen from the task.
    Click the Done button
    Screen GA047S03 re-appears
  10. In screen GA047S03
    Note that the plant(s) have been added to the plants list in this screen
    Use the Remove button (left) if you need to remove a plant from this list.
    Click the Done button
    We are now back in the initial screen (GA047S01) of this program, and the task refinement is done.


Finishing a task

  1. In screen GA047S01
    Use the program navigation buttons to locate the task used for this exercise
    Click once to select the task and then click the Status button.
    (Alternatively, you may double click on the task)
    Screen GA047S07 appears
  2. In screen GA047S07
    In the status list, select a plant whose status is to be changed to Done (the line will begin with "To do on")
    Using the Calendar control click on a date to be used as the Done date.
    The date you click will move into the field to the right of the Done on button.
    Click the Done on button.

    Repeat for all plants in the task.
    When the last plant is Done, Bonsai Genie changes the Task status to Finished
    When Task status changes to Finished, click the Done button.
  3. You are now back in the initial screen.
    Your task may have disappeared from the list (because it is finished)

    You can display the task again by clicking the Tasks by Culture Type button and clicking the Finished Only setting on the radio button control


Re-activating a finished task

  1. In the initial screen, screen GA047S01, click the Tasks by Culture Type button
  2. Click the Finished Only setting on the radio button control
  3. Click in the list to select the Finished task which is to be re-activated
    Click the Status button
    Screen GA047S07 appears
  4. In screen GA047S07
    In the list click on the line which begins with Finished
  5. The Task Date moves into the "Items for"  field, immediately above this window.
    The Re-activate button becomes enabled (black font)
    Click the Re-activate button
  6. The Task status is reset to Active
    To undo the Done on status of a plant , click on the line, then click on the Do button
    Click on the Done button

Essentials Section: User Guide IndexChapter 1  - Chapter 2  -  Chapter 3Chapter 4  -  Chapter 5
Advanced Section : Session 1  -  Session 2

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